Jim 'Jet' Neilson Visits Aransas Pass
Hawaii native Jim 'Jet' Neilson, 70, is a frequent visitor in the Aransas Pass Walmart parking lot, turning heads and getting customers who drive by to brake and get out of their vehicles, fascinated by his 44-foot, 50,000 horsepower aerodynamic land racer he brought with him when he moved here from a home in Panama to the Coastal Bend, trying to decide if he will stay permanently. Neilson explained his purchase of a 50-foot Bertram sport fishing boat docked in Ingleside on the Bay is what brought him back to the U.S. and he's so appreciative or the welcome he's received that he may just stay for good.
Jim set a world record of travel on a paved surface with his jet-powered vehicle, 391 mph in Las Vegas. But he's an actor, too, appearing as a stuntman or in minor roles in various films and TV shows, including an image here from a 2017 production.
Neilson is philanthropic as well. interested in children's charities. and supporting law enforcement and First Responders causes, appearing at this year's Round Up Days at N.O. Simmons Park in Ingleside.
Neilson's speed machine is equipped with an F4 Phantom military grade jet engine with a top speed of 700 mph. There is only one other like it on Earth, located in England. He'd like to establish a new world record in south Texas and is searching for an appropriate venue. Neilson's jet-powered supercar has also attracted the attention of famous stars like former Tonight Show host, Jay Leno.
"That thing is awesome, man!," one curious driver paused to tell Neilson when he drove through the Walmart lot Wednesday, April 12. To learn more about Neilson or to ask him any questions about his custom racer, his email address is: panama-jetracing@gmail.com
Photos by Aransas Pass Progress
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